レポート名 20230320_BSC_Vietnam Daily Review_EN_VN-Index dropped more than 20 points
レポート類 Báo cáo ngày
ソース BSC
ディテール 日付 : 20/03/2023
総ページ数 : 6
言語 : English
File Type : .PDF
FileSize : 533 Kb
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Market outlook:  

Stock market: The market corrected from the beginning till the end of today session, with the degree of decline increasing over time. 19 out of 19 sectors experienced a decrease in points, with the number of declining stocks overwhelming the number of gaining stocks. Regarding foreign transactions, this group sold net on the HSX floor while buying net on the HNX floor. The information about UBS's acquisition of Credit Suisse still caused quite negative reactions in the market as the price chosen by UBS was 0.76 Franc, much lower than Friday’s closing price of 1.86 Franc. Currently, the movement of VN-Index signals a weakened technical signal and may correct to the threshold of 1000 points. However, with the entire global market following the decision of the FED on March 22, it is likely that the VN-Index will maintain its movement in the support range of 1000-1020 points.

Future contracts: Futures contracts decreased in line with the movement of VN30. It is recommended that investors trade cautiously in the coming sessions.

Covered warrants: In the trading session on March 20, 2023, covered warrants fluctuated along with the struggling movement of the underlying stocks.

• VN-Index -22.04 points, closing at 1023.1. HNX-Index -2.85 points, closing at 201.62.
• Pulling the index up: VCF (+0.1), PNJ (+0.08), DCM (+0.08), KDC (+0.07), GMD (+0.05).
• Pulling the index down: VCB (-4.63), TPB (-1.47), CTG (-1.21), BID (-1.21), VHM (-0.87).
• The matched value of VN-Index reached VND 8,000 billion, decreased -11.54% compared to the previous session. The total transaction value reached VND 10,289 billion.
• The trading range is 22.43 points. The market had 48 advancers, 43 reference stocks, 369 decliners.
• Foreign investors' net selling value: VND -346.24 billion on HOSE, including HPG (-68.28 billion), VIC (-58.44 billion), FUEVFVND (-34.69 billion). Foreign investors were net buyers on HNX with the value of VND 13.74 billion.