Title BSC_Company analysis report Petrovietnam Technical Services Corporation (PVS)
Report Type Phân tích công ty
Source BSC
Bussiness PVS
Detail Date : 24/03/2014
Total pages : 11
Language : English
File Type : .PDF
FileSize : 452 Kb
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Short Content PVS is one of notable oil & gas stocks, it has the second largest size in the sector and business performance figures including ROA and ROE are in the best group of the sector. However, in term of stock price, PVS is still in the lowest P/E and P/B group of oil& gas sector. Based on the 2014 growth potential assessment, using 2 valuation comparative method including P/E and P/B with the reference of oil& gas services companies in Asia, we recommend that the target price of PVS is 44,100. We believe that PVS should be concerned for both short-term trading and long-term investment. We recommend to strong buy PVS with the target price of 44,100 dongs/share in investment period of 12 months