Unit: 1.000.000đ
  2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
I. Cash and precious metals 2,495,237 2,204,642 1,524,098 1,393,551 939,629
II. Balances with the State Bank of Vietnam 4,070,948 1,850,921 3,056,674 3,689,730 4,589,199
III. TreasuryBill 0 0
IV. Placements with and loans to other credit institutions 20,578,997 16,977,765 33,441,936 39,243,600 61,149,694
1. Cash and gold deposits at other credit institutions 18,556,328 14,730,353 19,909,194 29,363,640 51,384,709
2. Loans to other credit istitutions 2,135,589 2,247,412 13,532,742 9,879,960 9,764,985
3. Provision for losses on loans to other credit institutions -112,920 0
V. Trading securities 55,796 21,050 23,487 21,675
1. Trading securities 127,927 39,287 39,287 39,287
2. Provision for diminution in value of trading securities -72,131 -18,237 -15,800 -17,612
VI. Derivatives and other financial assets 0 0 446,344
VII. Loans and advances to customers 62,708,342 78,497,568 99,875,801 119,212,621 146,782,639
1. Loans and advances to customers 63,594,389 79,340,579 101,562,609 120,643,542 149,145,386
2. Provision for losses on loans and advances to customers -886,047 -843,011 -1,686,808 -1,430,921 -2,362,747
VIII. Investment securities 45,635,748 55,676,927 48,226,133 31,534,742 37,880,373
1. Available - for - sales securities 44,572,060 55,845,414 48,257,483 31,554,087 37,897,490
2. Held - to - maturity securities 1,533,388 0 -17,117
3. Provision for diminution in value of investment securities -469,700 -168,487 -31,350 -19,345
IX. Investment in other entities and long-term investments 10,036 22,036 10,036 10,036 10,036
1. Investment in subsidiaries 0 0
2. Investment in joint-ventures 0 0
3. Investment in associate cmpanies 0 0
4. Other long-term investment 10,036 22,036 10,036 10,036 10,036
5. Provision for diminution in value of long-term investment 0 0
X. Fixed assets 330,514 308,751 311,581 382,873 402,736
1. Tangible fixed assets 161,256 127,909 133,753 153,330 202,533
- Cost 744,401 700,273 625,105 606,147 661,129
- Accumulated depreciation -583,145 -572,364 -491,352 -452,817 -458,596
2. Leased assets 0 0
- Cost 0 0
- Accumulated depreciation 0 0
3. Intangible fixed assets 169,258 180,842 177,828 229,543 200,203
- Cost 503,315 468,203 515,078 618,177 630,943
- Accumulated depreciation -334,057 -287,361 -337,250 -388,634 -430,740
4. Construction in progress expense 0 0
XI. Investment properties 1,059,826 1,032,510
- Cost 1,253,600 1,253,600
- Accumulated amortization -193,774 -221,090
XII. Other assets 20,032,502 20,105,455 17,195,677 17,458,686 15,251,532
1. Receivables 11,253,773 13,398,020 10,122,841 11,499,321 8,480,027
2. Interests and fee receivables 4,028,547 2,640,237 2,769,866 2,808,476 5,065,400
3. Deferred income tax assets 0 46 61 50
4. Other assets 5,527,754 5,161,649 4,545,971 3,218,269 1,749,755
- In which: Good will 55,054 45,071 35,088 25,106 15,124
5. Provision for losses on other assets -777,572 -1,094,497 -243,062 -67,430 -43,650
TOTAL ASSETS 156,977,946 176,697,625 203,665,423 213,393,858 267,005,838
I. Due to Government and borrowings from the State Bank of Vietnam 24,040 20,734 1,017,253 1,014,560 1,012,533
II. Deposits and borrowings from other credit institutions 47,017,860 56,025,723 68,035,603 50,374,160 85,553,514
1. Deposits form other credit institutions 19,211,556 22,447,288 34,078,939 29,339,865 54,484,312
2. Borrowings form other credit institutions 27,806,304 33,578,435 33,956,664 21,034,295 31,069,202
III. Depostis from customers 80,872,643 87,510,188 94,616,419 117,120,779 132,350,131
IV. Derivatives and other debts 7,416 52,030 76,833 263,356
V. Funds received from Government, international and other institutions 0 0
VI. Certificate of deposits 8,972,781 11,711,474 13,042,540 11,599,514 8,991,415
VII. Other liabilities 5,219,685 4,502,657 4,838,990 6,630,847 7,536,677
1. Intersest and fee payables 2,127,704 1,577,833 1,605,625 2,253,470 3,813,157
2. Deferred income tax payables 0 0 0
3. Other payables 3,091,981 2,924,824 3,233,365 4,377,377 3,723,520
4. Other Provisions 0 0
VIII. Shareholders' equity 14,863,521 16,874,819 22,037,785 26,653,998 31,298,212
1. Capital 11,109,953 11,109,953 15,767,318 19,891,568 20,034,068
- Paid-up capital 11,750,000 11,750,000 15,275,000 19,857,500 20,000,000
- Construction capital 608 608 608 608 608
- Share capital surplus 400,000 400,000 491,710 33,460 33,460
- Treasury stocks -1,040,655 -1,040,655
- Prefered Stocks 0 0
- Other equity resources 0 0
2. Reserves 834,121 989,453 1,276,973 1,896,036 2,589,959
3. Foreign exchange differences 0 0
4. Asset revaluation differences 0 0
5. Retained earning 2,919,447 4,775,413 4,993,494 4,866,394 8,674,185
6. Other funds and expenses 0 0
IX. Benefits of minority shareholader 0 0
TOTAL RESOURCES 156,977,946 176,697,625 203,665,423 213,393,858 267,005,838