For customers of bond BID2_18.05 with BSC i-Bond

  1. Customers buy bond BID2_18.05 with BSC i-Bond
  • Step 1: Customers contact BSC to register investing in BID2_18.05 with BSC i-Bond.
  • Step 2: BSC will contact back the customer to consult and advise about the documents, and procedure of the transaction.
  • Step 3: Customers sign the contract and prepare the document according to BSC’s guidance before 10am of the trading date.
  • Step 4: Customers transfer the payment of the bond BID2_18.05 before 11am of the trading date as per the payment guidance on the contract.
  • Step 5: Within the maximum of 2 working days, BSC will deliver to the customer the original copy of the bond BID2_18.05’s ownership certificate with the buying amount, and all other documents.
  1. Customers sell bond BID2_18.05
  • Step 1: Customers register to sell bond BID2_18.05 with the BSC i-Bond ’s template.
  • Step 2: BSC confirms the transaction with the customer and advise customers to complete the bond selling documents.
  • Step 3: Customers deliver to BSC the original copy of the bond ownership certificate and all other documents according to current regulations, on later than 10am of the selling date
  • Step 4: Customers will receive the selling amount on securities account opened at BSC.
  • Step 5: Within the maximum of 2 working days, BSC will deliver to the customer the original copy of all related documents.