TradingView is a popular financial charting and online trading platform that provides tools and services for market analysis. To bring the best financial experience to our valued customers, BSC has integrated the latest version of TradingView charts into the Technical Analysis Charts section, offering investors the most convenient analytical tools for various asset types across all markets, including charts for VNIndex, stocks, and more. This integration is expected to be a versatile tool for analyzing and tracking the financial market accurately, quickly, and with flexible chart customization. On the WebTrading platform and BSC SmartInvest, TradingView enhances data analysis capabilities and enables the creation of smart investment strategies, helping our customers make more precise investment decisions, optimize profits, and minimize risks.
Advantages of integrating TradingView on the WebTrading and BSC SmartInvest platforms:
This is also an important step for BSC, continuously striving to enhance product and service quality and solidify its position in the financial investment sector in Vietnam.