Tiêu đề 20161114_BSC_Vietnam Company Update_EN_NBC_IC1770
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Nguồn BSC
Ngành Vật liệu cơ bản
Doanh nghiệp NBC
Chi tiết Ngày : 14/11/2016
Số trang : 3
Ngôn ngữ : English
Dạng tệp : .PDF
Kích thước : 747 Kb
Tải về: 60
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Tóm tắt

Vinacomin NuiBeo Coal JSC (NBC) is one of the subsidiaries of Vietnam national coal – mineral industry holding corporation limited (Vinacomin), mining opencast coal in Quang Ninh Province.

Some notes about NBC’s business in the period 2016 -2018:

• In 2016, NBC will recognize additional VND 12 billion of EBT from the liquidation of opencast mining equipment.

• The company will mine opencast coal up to the end of 2018 since the opencast coal reserve has been exhausted.

• The very first 170,000 tons of underground coal is expected to be mined in 2017 and the volume will increase in the following years.

Business Results: In 9M2016, NBC’s revenue reached VND 883.8 billion (-12% yoy), profit after tax reached VND 19.6 billion (+ 7.7% yoy). Gross margin was 15.4%, higher than the 13.53% in 9M2015 due to the strong decrease in depreciation expense by 68.3% to be VND 40.6 billion when some machinery’s depreciation ended and the company liquidated a part of surface mining equipment.