ST8: Resolution of Annual General Meeting 2023
HOSE - 12/04/2023 11:05:00 AM
Sieu Thanh Joint Stock Corporation announces Resolution of 2023 AGM as follows:
- Approving the annual reports in 2022.
- Approving the report business plan for 2023.
- Approving 2022 audited financial statements and the audited firm chosen for 2023 financial statements
- Approving compensation fund for the BOD & the Supervisory Board in 2022 and plan for 2023.
- Approving the 2022 dividend payment.
- Approving to change company name and head office address.
- Approving changes of the company’s Charter and Operation regulation
- Approving changes of the business line.
- Resolution is valid as of 05 April 2023.
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