Unit: 1.000.000đ
A. Realised transactions
I. (Loss) Income from investing activities 10,571
1. Dividends 2,747
2. Coupons 0
3. Interest income from deposits 1,747
4. (Loss) income from securities trading 6,078
5. Others income 0
II. Expenses 1,488
1. Fund management fees and incentive fees 945
2. Administration and custodian fees 116
3. Meetings fees 7
4. Audit fees 80
5. Valuation advisory fees 0
6. Other fees and expenses 340
III. Net realised (loss) profit for the year 9,083
B. Unrealised transactions
I. Income 2,486
1. Gain from revaluation of investments 2,486
2. Gain from year-end revaluation of foreign exchange difference 0
3. Interest income from deposits unrealised transactions 0
II. Expenses 11,085
1. Loss from revaluation of investments 11,085
2. Loss from revaluation of foreign exchange for the year 0
III. Net unrealised (loss) profit for the year -8,599
Profit for the year 484