Unit: 1.000.000đ
  2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
1. Total business operating revenue 317,573 338,787 379,231 417,208 455,410
2. Deductions of revenue 0 336 0 0 0
3. Net revenues (1)-(2) 317,573 338,451 379,231 417,208 455,410
4. Cost of goods sold 217,260 233,434 272,676 303,055 325,632
5. Gross profit (3)-(4) 100,313 105,017 106,555 114,154 129,778
6. Revenue of financial operations 3,654 500 2,759 3,737 4,410
7. Financial expense 9,975 6,683 5,809 4,509 2,394
-In which: Loan interest expenses 9,965 6,659 5,648 3,684 2,380
8. Profit or loss from joint ventures, associated companies 0 0 0 0 0
9. Cost of sales 3,362 2,932 2,919 2,618 3,451
10. Enterprise administration expenses 40,482 44,048 41,828 41,946 46,909
11. Net profit from business operations (5)+(6)-(7)+(8)-(9)-(10) 50,148 51,854 58,758 68,817 81,434
12. Other income 364 188 4,546 162 1,003
13. Other expenses 105 0 595 552 227
14. Other profit (12)-(13) 259 188 3,952 -389 776
15. Total accounting profit before tax (11)+(14) 50,407 52,042 62,710 68,428 82,210
16. Costs of current corporate income tax 9,527 10,123 12,542 13,621 16,718
17. Costs of deferred corporate income tax 0 0 0 0 0
18. Costs of corporate income tax (16)+(17) 9,527 10,123 12,542 13,621 16,718
19. Profit after corporate income tax (15)-(18) 40,880 41,919 50,168 54,807 65,492
20. Interest after tax of shareholders who not control 0 0 0 0 0
21. Profit after tax of parent company shareholders (19)-(20) 40,880 41,919 50,168 54,807 65,492
Number of outstanding shares
Earnings per 1 share (basic EPS)
Earnings per 1 share (diluted EPS)