I. Cash and cash equivalents
1. Cash
2. Cash equivalents
II. Short-term security investments and other short-term investments
1. Proprietary trading securities
2. Short-term securities of investors
3. Short-term investments
4. Provision for diminution in value of short-term investments
III. Accounts receivable
1. Receivable from securities trading centers
2. Receivable from investors
3. Receivable from securities issuing or securities guaranteeing organizations
4. Prepayments to Suppliers
6. Inter-Company receivable
7. Other receivables
8. Provision for doubtful debts
IV. Inventories
1. Inventories
2. Provision for inventories loss
V. Other current assets
1. Advances
2. Prepaid expenses
3. Current desducted VAT
4. Taxes and accounts receivable from State
5. Deficit assets for treatment
6. Short-term deposit and mortgages
7. Other current assets
I. Long-term investments
1. Long-term receivable from customer
2. Capital from directly under unit
3. Internal long-term receivable
4. Other long-term receivable
5. Provision for bad long-term receivable
II. Tài sản cố định
1. Tangible fixed assets
- Cost
- Accumulated depreciation
2. Leasing fixed assets
- Accumulated depreciation
3. Intangible fixed assets
- Accumulated depreciation
4. Construction in progress
III. Investment in properties
- Cost
- Accumulated depreciation
IV. Long-term financial investment
1. Long-term investment of securities
2. Investment in subsidiaries
3. Capital contributions into joint ventures
4. Long-term investments of investors
5. Other long-term investments
6. Provision for devaluation of securities and long-term investements
V. Other long-term assets
1. Long-term prepaid expenses
2. Deferred taxes
3. Long-term deposits and mortgages
4. Payment for supporting fund
5. Other long-term assets
I. Current liabilities
1. Current debt and liabilities
2. Long-term debt and liabilities due in one year
3. Payable to securities trading centers
4. Payable for deficiency of payment supporting fund
5. Payable on securities delivery to and receipt from brokers
6. Payable for dividends, principal amounts and interests of securities
7. Trade accounts payable
8. Advances from customers
9. Taxes and other obligations to the State Budget
10. Payable to employees
11. Accrued expenses
12. Internal payable
13. Payables to construction in progress
14. Payable to securities issuing organization
15. Payments for securities transactions of investors
16. Excess assets for treatments
17. Other payables
18. Short-term provisions
II. Long-term liabilities
1. Long-term trade accounts payable
2. Long-term intra-company payables
3. Long-term borrowings
4. Long-term deposits and mortgages
5. Payable to investors
6. Deferred income tax paybble
7. Provision for severance allowances
8. Other long-term payable
9. Provision for long-term payable
10. Provision for investor indemnity
I. Capital sources and funds
1. Owners' investment capital
2. Share capital surplus (share premium)
3. Other owner's capital
4. Treasury shares
5. Differences upon asset revaluation
6. Foreign exchange differences
7. Investment and development funds
8. Financial reserve funds
9. Other funds
10. Retained earnings
11. Funds used to acquire fixed assets
III. Budget source and other funds
1. Bonus and welfare funds
2. Budget resources
3. Subsidized not-for-profit fund