Manage Cash Account > Margin trading
Transaction Detail

Terms and conditions of service:
- Open a securities and margin trading account at BSC
- Must sign a margin trading contract according to BSC's form
- Must have collateral in cash or corresponding stocks
- Must comply with margin trading regulations
- Accept all market risks and interest rate risks
Ralated terms:
Margin trading contract: is a contract to open a margin trading sub-account and a credit contract for margin loans
Required margin ratio: is the percentage of the total value of shares that investor has to pay with cash. This ratios includes two types which are Initial Margin Ratio and Maintenance Margin Ratio. According to the regulations of the State Securities Commission, the initial margin ratio is at least 50% and the minimum maintenance margin ratio is 30%.
Initial margin ratio: is the percentage of the total value of marginable shares that an investor is required to spend when buying on margin trading account.
Maintenance margin ratio: is the minimum real assets value of an investor that must be maintained on the margin trading account in accordance with BSC's regulations from time to time. When investor cannot maintain, there will be a force sell
Purchasing power: is the total cash on margin trading sub-account which can be used to buy shares
Real assets: is the total amout of assets after đeucting debt obligations on margin trading sub-account
Asset surplus: is the remaining real assets compared to the total margin balance
Interest rate: interest rate of margin loan will be annual interest rate annouced by BSC from time to time. It is a simple interest and is calculated from the disbursement date until the repayment date at the rate applicable to the actual number of days elapsed on the basis of 365 days in a year.
Available margin products at BSC:
- MR10: is a margin product with the loan term of each loan being ten (10) days from the disbursement date.
- MR30: is a margin product with the loan term of each loan being thỉty (30) days from the disbursement date.
- MR90: is a margin product with the loan term of each loan being ninety (90) days from the disbursement date.
Margin stocks list: published monthly on BSC's websites

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