Trading channels > Trading via Call Center
Transaction Detail

In order to place orders, register to buy additional issued shares or transfer money, investors can call to BSC Call Center at +84 2439264660 in Hanoi or +84 2838218889 in Hochiminh City

Investors can refer to the following instructions to use the services:

1. Register to trade via Call Center:

Investors do not have account at BSC

- Investors can contact directly with BSC in Hanoi or Hochiminh City or our transaction points nationwide

- Register to open a trading account and follow the instructions of BSC tellers / brokers

Investors already have account at BSC

- Investors can contact directly with BSC in Hanoi or Hochiminh City or our transaction points nationwide

- Fill in all required information and sign in the form "Register for online transaction"

2. Placing order instructions:

- Call to BSC Call Center at +84 2439264660 in Hanoi or +84 2838218889 in Hochiminh City

- Provide name, account number and trading via call center password to BSC's tellers

- Provide the order information. Tellers will check money balance (for buy order) or stocks balance (for sell order) and confirm the validity of the order. After that BSC's tellers will enter orders into the system with valid confirmation orders

- Teller will infomr investor about the order status

3. Registering to buy additional issued shares instructions:

- Call to BSC Call Center at +84 2439264660 in Hanoi or +84 2838218889 in Hochiminh City

- Provide name, account number and trading via call center password to BSC's tellers

- Provide the money transfer information including: registered beneficiary account and the amount of money investor wants to transfer. Tellers will check the money balance and confirm the validity of order

- Tellers enter the money transfer order into the system and inform investor about the status of the order

Related terms