Title 20161108_BSC_Vietnam Company Update_EN_VSC
Report Type Báo cáo chuyên đề
Source BSC
Industry Industrials
Bussiness VSC
Detail Date : 08/11/2016
Total pages : 3
Language : English
File Type : .PDF
FileSize : 808 Kb
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Forget the disappointing business performance in 9M2016, VSC’s good growth story is expected to be unfold in 2017 and afterward.

9M2016 review. Business performance stood lower than market’s expectation but in line with our forecasts.

• In 9M2016, VSC recorded significantly growth in revenue of 13% standing at 786 bil. This is quite understandable as the first phase of VIP Green Port has been in operation since Jan 2016, dramatically raising VSC’s total capacity to 600.000 TEUs/year from just 350.000 TEUs/year. In 9M2016, VSC handled total 490.000 TEUs, in which volume realized in Green Port stood at 250.000 TEUs (71% designed capacity and decreased by about 15% on year-on-year basis) and Vip-Green Port handled 240.000 TEUs (almost running at full capacity of first berth).