Unit: 1.000.000đ
  2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
I. Cash flows from operating activities
- Cash received from interst income and similar income 23,445,310 26,284,400 32,577,872 50,951,284 58,854,745
- Interest expense and similar expenses paid -10,040,444 -12,302,702 -14,319,631 -25,602,661 -29,501,519
- Cash received from services provided 862,811 1,544,570 2,792,794 2,596,238 1,689,129
- Difference between cash received and cash paid from operating activities (foreign currency, gold and securities) 535,621 752,229 225,515 1,654,834 1,428,830
- Other cash received 198,235 31,014 111,209 88,876 285,759
- Cash received from absolved debts which were covered by risk provisions 348,027 244,474 437,234 290,855 333,105
- Cash paid to employees and administration actitivities -5,920,609 -6,228,455 -8,668,312 -8,980,790 -11,109,821
- Income tax paid -1,199,486 -1,489,686 -1,154,553 -2,241,447 -4,466,687
Cashflow from operating activities before changes in operating assests and working capital 8,229,465 8,835,844 12,002,128 18,757,189 17,513,541
1. Changes in operating assets
- Increase/(Decrease) in placements with and loans to other credit institutions 710,000 -5,346 -8,704,484 415,052 1,020,425
- Increase/(Decrease) in trading securities and securities investment -29,942,395 -6,293,402 26,010,304 -12,165,396 5,473,554
- Increase/(Decrease) in derivatives and other financial assets 0 0 -110,079 110,079
- Increase/(Decrease) in loans and advances to customers -31,998,714 -24,887,808 -60,645,482 -79,547,912 -99,080,546
- Increase/(Decrease) in provision to compensate for damages -1,895,045 -1,789,229 -2,418,834 -3,314,867 -3,497,287
- Increase/(Decrease) in other operating assets -4,026,513 -9,260,130 -13,057,914 -15,246,357 160,632
2. Changes in operating liabilities
- Increase/(Decrease) in borrowings from the government and State Bank of Vietnam -66,380 -50,114 10,728,602 -10,794,668 -11,156
- Increase/(Decrease) in placements and borrowings from other credit institutions 25,382,056 32,067,009 -14,589,382 19,433,778 -12,626,399
- Increase/(Decrease) in deposits from customers 48,601,694 8,662,848 32,514,057 154,980,714 66,727,277
- Increase/(Decrease) in valuapapers issued 9,319,194 8,423,855 1,405,527 6,776,508 30,411,597
- Increase/Decrease in trusted funds which the bank has to incur credit risk -6,329 -100,299 -76,709 -49,026 -22,686
- Increase/(Decrease) in derivatives and funds received from other institutions 200,919 -199,632 210,930 -226,480 18,449
- Increase/(Decrease) in other operating liabilities 454,418 256,257 912,440 1,778,906 2,563,073
- Cash paid from funds of credit institution -2,228 -7,434 -10,261 -30,315 -18,159
Net cash flows from operating activities 24,960,142 15,652,419 -15,719,078 80,657,047 8,742,394
II. Cash flows from investment activities
- Money decrease due to selling sub-company 0 0
- Purchase of fixed assets -282,765 -353,900 -122,001 -273,923 -541,148
- Proceeds from disposal of fix assets 616 268 21,447 753 1,764
- Payment on disposal of fixed assets 0 0
- Purchase of investment properties 0 0
- Proceeds from disposal of investment properties 27,003 24,026
- Payment on disposal of investment properties 0 0
- Investment in other entities 0 0 0
- Proceeds from disinvestment in other entities 0 51,775 500 -658,075
- Dividends and interest received 260 0 22,069 9,325 17,375
Net cash flows from investment activities -254,886 -277,831 -77,985 -263,845 -1,180,084
III. Cash flows from financing activities
- Proceeds from share issuances 0 0 200,000 200,000
- Capital form issuances of long-term bonds which are considered as the tier 2 and long-term debts 0 0
- Repayment of long-term bonds which are considered as the tier 2 and long-term debts 0 0
- Dividends paid 0 0 -2,515,261 -2,912,551
- Purchase treasury shares -344,751 0
- Proceeds from reissue of treasury shares 32,816 0
Net cash flows from financing activities -311,935 0 200,000 -2,515,261 -2,712,551
IV. Net cash flows of the year 24,393,321 15,374,588 -15,597,063 77,877,941 4,849,759
V. Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of year 30,362,980 54,756,301 70,130,889 54,533,826 132,411,767
VI. Effect of foreign exchange differences 0 0 0 0
VII. Cash and cash equivalents at the end of year 54,756,301 70,130,889 54,533,826 132,411,767 137,261,526