Unit: 1.000.000đ
  2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
1. Total business operating revenue 974,971 694,600 774,293 670,847 880,917
2. Deductions of revenue 173 7,348 542 22 1,071
3. Net revenues (1)-(2) 974,798 687,252 773,751 670,825 879,845
4. Cost of goods sold 919,657 578,982 730,161 623,658 841,075
5. Gross profit (3)-(4) 55,141 108,269 43,590 47,166 38,770
6. Revenue of financial operations 305 2,535 1,480 599 3,724
7. Financial expense 30,650 17,135 24,108 29,200 25,225
-In which: Loan interest expenses 30,617 17,134 20,216 28,210 24,370
8. Profit or loss from joint ventures, associated companies 0 0 0 0 0
9. Cost of sales 5,007 4,102 4,286 4,547 3,300
10. Enterprise administration expenses 9,041 11,457 9,836 8,839 8,618
11. Net profit from business operations (5)+(6)-(7)+(8)-(9)-(10) 10,748 78,110 6,839 5,180 5,351
12. Other income 6 117 425 498 4,263
13. Other expenses 94 90 121 109 313
14. Other profit (12)-(13) -88 27 304 390 3,949
15. Total accounting profit before tax (11)+(14) 10,660 78,137 7,143 5,570 9,300
16. Costs of current corporate income tax 2,308 15,362 3,345 1,123 1,196
17. Costs of deferred corporate income tax 0 0 0 0 0
18. Costs of corporate income tax (16)+(17) 2,308 15,362 3,345 1,123 1,196
19. Profit after corporate income tax (15)-(18) 8,352 62,774 3,798 4,446 8,104
20. Interest after tax of shareholders who not control 0 0 0 0 0
21. Profit after tax of parent company shareholders (19)-(20) 8,352 62,774 3,798 4,446 8,104
Number of outstanding shares
Earnings per 1 share (basic EPS)
Earnings per 1 share (diluted EPS)