Fee Structure

Type of trading Transaction amount per day Trading fee
Brokerage Online consultant
Listed Securities
Stock ≤ 2 bil. VND 0.18% 0.15%
≤ 5 bil. VND 0.15% 0.12%
> 5 bil. VND 0.12% 0.10%
Listed Bond < 2 bil VND 0.1% / transaction amount
From 2 bil to 10 bil VND 0.05% / transaction amount
> 10 bil VND 0.02% / transaction amount
Advance Fee Cash advance of investors from selling stocks on days T and T+1 12%/year on the tota advanced amount (BSC might change from time to time)
Derivatives ≤ 5 contracts / day 3.000 VND
From 51 to 100 contracts / day 2.000 VND
> 100 contracts / day 1.000 VND
Unlisted Securities
Transaction fee for transferring shares without going through the stock exchange Unlisted shares but registered for custody at VSD / or listed shares and transferred without going through the stock exchange < 100 mil VND - Transferor: 0.45% / transaction amount, including BSC fee of 0.25%, VSD fee of 0.1% and PIT 0.1%
- Transferee: 0.35% / transaction amount, including BSC fee of 0.25% and VSD fee of 0.1%
> 100 mil VND - Transferor: 0.4% / transaction amount, including BSC fee of 0.2%, VSD fee of 0.1% and PIT 0.1%
- Transferee: 0.3% / transaction amount, including BSC fee of 0.2% and VSD fee of 0.1%
Transaction fee for transferring of unlisted shares in which BSC play a role as shareholder management Shares owned by shareholders of unlisted public companies with service needs Calculated on the transfer par value 0.2% of the par value, at least 100,000 VND/transaction/(or) as specified in the shareholder management contract
Transaction fee for transferring of bonds in which BSC play a role as depository agent Bonds registered by BSC as depository agent Per transaction - 0.2% of par value
- Minimum 100,000 VND/time
- Up to 1,000,000 VND/time
Blockade Confirmation Fee
One time securities blockade confirmation fee at the request of investor Listed stocks, listed bonds, unlisted stocks, bonds in which BSC plays roles as shareholder management or depository agent Calculated on par value - 0.2% of par value
- Minimum 100,000 VND/request
- Up to 1,000,000 VND/request
Fee for blockade confirmation and securities monitoring Listed stocks, listed bonds, unlisted stocks, bonds in which BSC plays roles as shareholder management or depository agent Calculated on par value - 0.2% of par value
- Minimum 500,000 VND/contract
- Up to 10,000,000 VND/contract
Inheritance / Donation / Gifting / Presenting of Securities Fee
Fee for changing information and renewing Certificate of Ownership Securities that BSC plays roles as shareholder management or depository agent Calculated on the number of times of renewal 50.000 VND/time
Inheritance / Donation / Gifting / Presenting of Securities Fee Listed stocks, listed bonds, unlisted stocks, bonds in which BSC plays roles as shareholder management or depository agent
Except for cases of inherit / gift / donate / present between husband and wife, between biological father, natural mother and biological child, between father-in-law, mother-in-law adn daughter-in-law, between father-in-law, mother-in-law adn son-in-law, between grandfather, grandmother and grandchild, between brother, sister and brother/sister
Calculated on inheritance/donation/gifting/presenting value (in case the value cannot be determined, the value will be calculated on the far value) - 0.15% value of ownership transfer for stocks, fund certificates and warrants
- 0.01% value of ownership transfer for bonds
Transferring Rights to Buy Additional Shares Fee
Transferring Rights to Buy Additional Shares Fee Rights to buy listed shares Calculated on the number of times performed 30,000 VND/time
Transferring of Listed Shares Fee Listes securities or deposited in the account Number of shares Fee collecting on behalf of VSD: 0.3 VND/share/time of transfer/stock (maximum no more than 300,000 VND/time/stock)