
Business sector


Date of incorporation 05/05/2008
Certificate of registration number 0102744865
Date of issue 06/06/2024
Capital 22,016,350,090,000
Tax Code 0102744865
Sectors & Industries Banks > Banks

Listing information

Date of listing 06/06/2024
Stock exchange HOSTC
Par Value 10,000
Initial Listing Price 32,000
Listing Volume 2,201,635,009
Total Listing Value 22,016,350,090,000

Management team

Đỗ Minh Phú Chairman of the Board of Directors
Đỗ Anh Tú Vice-chairman of the Board
Lê Quang Tiến Vice-chairman of the Board
Shuzo Shikata Vice-chairman of the Board
Võ Bích Hà Members of the Board
Nguyễn Thị Mai Sương Members of the Board
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương Board of internal controllers
Thái Duy Nghĩa Member of the Board of Internal controllers
Nguyễn Thị Thu Nguyệt Member of the Board of Internal controllers
Nguyễn Hưng Chief of Executive Officer
Khúc Văn Họa Deputy CEO
Nguyễn Hồng Quân Deputy CEO
Lê Hồng Nam Deputy CEO
Đinh Văn Chiến Deputy CEO
Phạm Đông Anh Deputy CEO
Nguyễn Việt Anh Deputy CEO
Trương Thị Hoàng Lan Deputy CEO
Bùi Quang Cương Deputy CEO
Lê Cẩm Tú Chief Accountant
Lê Quang Tiến Representative Spokesman